Reportage: The House on Zapote Street

          According to thesaurus dictionary, reportage is the act or technique of reporting news. It is a written account of an act, event, history, etc.It is based on direct observation or on thorough research and documentation. The activity (reportage) that we did is connected to our topic “The House on Zapote Street”. Our professor in 21st Century Literature  named Mrs. Agaton told us to search about the most brutal, merciless and cruel crime scene in the Philippines. She told us that we must provide information about our chosen crime scene and present it in our classroom.
          Before we choose the most cruel crime scene that we will present in front of our classroom, we shared first our own news that we have researched. Until Deanne, our leader, agreed to picked the Talipao Massacre.  Our group decided to choose the news about Massacre in Talipao because we found it very cruel and brutal. After that we decided to have a role playing. We decided to act like we are inside a studio, having a director, camera man, news caster and other staff doing the live telecast.


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